Train Fight like a Warrior

The TFLAW method is more than just a workout, it’s a life transformation experience that allows you to reach your body and mind’s full potential.

Here at FITaniiss we believe in constant evolution, innovation, genuine encouragement and results. The TFLAW method was developed by THE Executive Master Trainer Aniiss over 20 years ago and combines short-precise movements, Advanced Functional Training, MMA Strength & Conditioning with bursts of High Intensity Training and mental focus which keeps his loyal members coming back for results with it's proven training.

At FITaniiss, there is a variety of different training methods that can help thousands of people to change their lifestyle and look healthier and stronger for life . Over the past 24 years I have gained extensive experience providing one-on-one training, physical therapy, and personalized nutrition counseling to help create a comprehensive method that clients can stick to within their everyday lives. The Master Aniiss has consistently offered personalized training and unparalleled services to its members, developing a lifestyle community that represents service, attention to detail, value, quality and expertise.

Kick start the health fitness and body you've always wanted across the next 12 weeks challenge and come out the other side a completely : NEWYOU


With everything going on, it can be so easy to feel lost and out of routine to the point that you're unproductive, lonely or even stressed out. But now's the perfect opportunity to re-establish your goals, fill your time with something positive, and start working towards better days. Ask yourself, How would you like to leave lockdown?

  1. Out of shape, demotivated & frustrated that you've spent weeks/months wasting time, neglecting your health?

  2. Or

  3. In the shape of your life, healthy, motivated & proud that you've used your time wisely.

NOW is the GOLDEN opportunity to achieve those results you've always wanted, I'm confident you'll make the right choice.
The time is NOW! WITH FITaniiss you will Train & Fight like A Warrior

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